Venture to classic untamed Indian forests and come face to face with the endangered Royal Bengal Tiger – king of the jungle

Great Indian Rhinoceros and herds of Asian Elephant

Almost 5 000 species of birds

Trekking for Snow Leopard – the most stunning member of the Panthera genus

Fascinating architecture including the Taj Mahal

The holy city of Varanasi on the Ganges River for its raw humanity



Tigress in Kanha by Simon Bellingham


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Located deep in the heart of India, this Project Tiger Reserve is a scenic wonderland of sal forest and bamboo thickets interspersed with rolling grasslands, scrub covered ridges and meandering streams. This is the classic untamed India of Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera and Shere Khan from The Jungle Book.

Tiger by Indrajit Latey


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Set in the rugged Vindhya hills of central India’s Deccan Plateau, Bandhavgarh National Park protects a rich mosaic of deciduous woodland, bamboo thickets, meadows and marshes. This park is an essential stop for any serious Tiger safari, and is renowned for one of India’s highest concentrations of this magnificent animal.

Dhole in Pench


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Perhaps the highlight mammal of Pench is the athletic Dhole, or Indian Wild Dog. Dhole closely resemble African Wild Dog in social structure, relying heavily on cooperation between members of the pack. Another prime feature are the endless groves of Teak.

Rhinos in Kaziranga


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Kaziranga is set against the impressive backdrop of the snow-capped Himalayas. Kaziranga is famous for its healthy populations of armour-plated Great Indian Rhinoceros (One-horned Rhinoceros), heavily muscled Gaur (Indian Bison) and herds of Asian Elephant.

Snow Leopard trekking


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The Snow Leopard’s kingdom. A quest for this rare feline involves time within one of the world’s most pristine landscapes. Simon was privileged to lead an expedition in which the group witnessed a Snow Leopard make a kill. The sighting of such an endangered creature, the most stunning of the big cats, is a rare privilege for the avid naturalist.

Sloth Bear by Forsyth Lodge


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Far from the tigercentric experience in some of India’s other parks, Satpura offers an opportunity to head out on foot and game drive in search of Leopard, Dhole and to boot excellent sightings of Sloth Bear!

Lions in Gir by Aramness Lodge



Gir National Park is a protected area for the last wild population of Asiatic (or Indian) Lion. The deciduous forest also hosts Leopards and a thriving population of Sambar, Chital, Nilgai and Wild Boar. The reserve is an excellent place to find the Chousingha (the world’s only four horned antelope) and Chinkara, and is home to more than 300 species of birds.

Leopard in Jawai by Simon Bellingham


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Jawai has one of the highest concentration of Leopard in India and these cats coexist peacefully with the local Rabari tribe who see them as almost godlike. The setting is spellbinding, with gigantic billion year old granite rock formations in the spectacular Aravalli Hills. The Leopards here are exceptionally relaxed.

Varanasi Prayer by Simon Bellingham


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Varanasi is the holiest Hindu pilgrimage site and gives an astonishing insight into raw humanity.  A dip in one of the sacred Ghats of the Ganges is believed to wash away the sins of mortals. Here you can embark on a boat ride on the sacred river Ganges to view the cremation Ghats and witness the living traditions of one of the worlds’ oldest religions.

Taj Mahal in India


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This spectacular white marble architectural monument is not merely a building but love incarnate. This white marble monument was built by the Shah Jahan as a memorial to his beloved wife, Mumtaz, and is famous for the elegance of its design and the immense numbers of intricately carved and inlaid semi-precious stones that adorn its beautiful walls.

Khujuraho artworks by Simon Bellingham


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These fabulous ancient structures are well known for their erotic carvings and astounding artworks.

Luxury Safaris

Mammals & Birds Species Checklist


The best time to travel to India is from November to March, when the weather is pleasant across most parts of the country. April & May can be hot and humid but very productive for wildlife sightings. Parks close during the monsoon from July to early October.


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